Anybody else having issues getting power from their aux switches? I'm assuming this is the right set of wires...2018 model
Yup, that's them. I had a problem with mine, blown fuse was the issue. Just happened that my truck was ready for service so i left it to Ford to figure it out. I ended up wiring to a different switch and haven't gotten around to rewiring to correct switch and cleaning up the wiring under the hood. Additionally, and i have no idea what the cause was but since it's resolved on it's own. i hooked up lights from Raptor Lights, ran the wiring to three different switched as i had three sets of lights. Switch two wasn't giving my power so moved over to switch 4. Was it was all wired up i had the weirdest thing ever, regardless of witch i had on or off i was getting different levels of power output from different lights. Meaning i'd turn on the spot beams only but had power on to all of them or sometimes the set of spots and then 1 driving lights. If their only on different circuits this shouldn't be happening. It resolved it's self over a few days and hasn't happened since. If it was the wiring harness i would think the problem wouldn't resolve its self which leads me to believe me to believe there was something going on in the electronics on-board the truck. One more thing which may or may not have anything to do with this specifically but, three times now while driving the sync 3 display has just randomly rebooted it's self. This last service i had reported this along with the driver mirror not returning to memory location and Ford can't figure it out or pull any codes to see what triggered these things. Sadly, i'm starting to wonder if there's a software issue??????
I actually just found out another weird change between the 17 and 18 other than the stereo stuff we discussed earlier lol. They swapped our upfitter wires too. Looking in the engine bay the 17s switch wires are on the left right by the box, on the 18s the hot wires are on the loom to the right where your guys in cab wires are. I can't imagine why they keep changing the most mundane things? In any event it's odd. Not sure what's going on with your sync3 I've noticed since i got my raptor a few weeks ago the second screen on my lg v10 keeps turning on and I have to go into settings and manually turn it back off, had the phone for 2 years and never had this issue until I linked it to the raptor.
So I too have had my sync restart on its own. But my wife's 16 explorer has had it much worse and her's isn't the sync3. Ford has been trying to figure it out with no luck. I will say her's has the problem mainly in the frigid weather.
yup they changed it... 2018 manual says the one on the left is hot and on the right is passthrough... but i found out that it's the other way around.
Yeah that was super annoying. I was sitting there scratching my head with not voltmeter like an idiot for a good thirty minutes until I said screw it and started pulling apart the other loom. What fun things are you hooking up?
My gremlins are back! was running (or trying) two out of three sets of lights yesterday and something didn't seem right. When i got home with the garage door closed i looked to see what's running with different switches. I was getting all kinds of weird shit. The wrong lights on, one light on and one off, lights running dim, miss matched lights coming on, etc. Something is seriously jacked up in a processor somewhere............
Have you checked your grounds? Are you running the lights through a relay/s or straight off the switches?
I could be very wrong but I thought the switches were dumb devices that are hardwired. I highly doubt they go near any processor. If I had to guess this would be a wiring issue. I would double check the wiring that goes to the lights from the stubs near the fire wall. If it’s a premade harness there may be a short or some type of grounding issue. Assuming they are LEDs they can be very sensitive to any type of induced current. Just my 2 pennies
haha yeah, did the same with multimeter.... then i was like F this, let me try the other loom and bam, power! did these... rigid flood and driving lights then KC spots.
So let me get this straight, there is 2 sets of wires under there? I can only find one and am having no luck getting my lights to work. Now mind you I am not mechanical and usually pay someone to do this, but it seemed so easy...... Any ideas?