I did - that is why I continue to do it at least once a month. Look at other ecoboost boards - proven maintenance step that the masses do to retain drivability.
I have a '17 raptor and also noticed that the feel of the truck wasn't the same. Its not that it didn't have the power it had...but I had to really work to get to it, including how the transmission responded. I had never heard of this throttle re-calibration, but after reading this thread I though it wouldn't hurt. I have push start so this is what I did... With the foot off the brake I hit the start button wait for the beeps to stop and slowly (about 4-5 seconds) fully depressed the gas pedal and then pulled the foot off so it can come back up as fast as it can. Hit the start button again to turn it off. I repeated this 2 more times for a total of 3. The truck drives now like it did when I bought it. I notice the difference in both normal and sport mode. I was rather surprised at the difference, it was very noticeable in my truck, my wife as a passenger noticed the difference. It affects the engine response and the transmission, it now downshifts faster and with spirited driving in sport mode it holds the gears longer to keep my in the power range better. I am surprised and very pleased with this, it takes about a minute total and at least in my truck made a big difference. I will now do this regularly.
Unreal. Did it as my shifts lately have been a bit firm. Went for a drive , shifts like a brand new truck. Flys through the gears easy as pie. Thanks for the tip. Worked for me. Do it.
I would not have beleived it if I didnt try. Mine is a late build, 7,17 but man did it smooth out the tranny. For sure not as sluggish and firm on the up and down shifts. Not sure what the hell it does or did but worked for me.
All you did was reset the pedal travel parameters. In normal driving, adaptive learning screws up what the pedal travel is. The relearn puts it back to full travel and drivability returns.
Worked for me. I really noticed a difference when i did it at about 10,000 miles or so. I still do the reset every few thousand miles or so. I’m at 23,000 now. If you do it frequently, you won’t notice the difference as much as you did the very first time.