Hopefully this is true and it will get the new 7.0 V8; http://speedtwitch.com/report-2019-f-150-raptor-to-receive-fords-new-7-0l-dohc-v8-motor/
Hmm, I would have originally told you a V8 was not going to happen. But after reading that article I wonder. I just think ford is all in on the ecoboost and would be surprised to see them make a big V8 again. But maybe the demand is there. Could suck for resale of our current 2nd gen.
Good post!!! Time will tell though. I haven't seen anything credible online that really indicates Ford is ramping up a V8 option here. Truth is i stopped looking a while back. Why? because i can't do anything about it and i'm not likely to go out and swap trucks even if they did. Looking at the latest article posted here and everything else I've previously seen, it's wishful thinking and people drawing their own conclusions. Even the guys at Raptor Assault could only give their thoughts but no one knows what Ford plans for between now and the end of the Gen 2 run. My opinion only here: The sound of the V6TT just isn't what the former V8 was and everyone wishes the Gen 2 sounded like it or better. It doesn't and there's nothing that can be done to make it so. Stop looking back at what was lost and look forward to what you gained here. Me, i could give less of a shit about the exhaust note. I did a complete upgrade of the audio system head unit back. I can't hear the exhaust note! From a performance perspective, i have no complaints! yes before long i as many of you get bored with what it has and start looking for more. V6TT or V8, we're all going to hit that point of wanting more then what Ford sells us. I've said it before many times here and i'm going to say it again now, hmmm, well ok two things: Function over sound for my $$$ and the limiting factor is tires. We can and Ford can, pump up the #'s but there's no tires on the market that will handle more then 108-112mph. So adding more HP/TRQ is going to require upgrading a lot of components through the drive line which is $$$$$ and then you your still limited at the top end. For $1,500 i can easily crank up the HP to 550+ and the TRQ to 600+ but i have to start thinking of stress elsewhere and shorter lifespan on some components. That all said, you can't go faster but only quicker and there's plenty of things to do in this configuration to help with that. All that rant and to take us back to the start, a V8 just so we can like the exhaust sound........... Really??????
Since we're in the Raptor Assault topic; i'd say 95% of the people that were in my class had never been off the road with their trucks. Maybe i was just in the Senior's class????? It does make me wonder though, Ya, we all miss the V8 sound but other then a handful of folks here and the media making note of it, do the masses really care and are calling for a V8 to be in for anything other then sound?
Im sure i am not going to make any friends by saying this and i'm ready to be ridiculed but personally I would not have bought a Raptor with a 7.0 liter or even 6.2 liter V8 in it. I think the truck performs great and there a lot of potential to get More performance out of a twin-turbo charged v6 (Ford GT anybody ?) and I really enjoy my 17.5 mpg in sport mode (all the time).. Cool V8 sound would be nice but I honestly never give a single thought.
For me, if they made both and the V8 was a $ premium, I am not sure I would go for it. The twin scroll 6 is pretty badass IMHO not to mention lighter I would think.
Maybe I'm a sucker, but I would get the V8 if they had it AND it was more powerful. I like better mpg but not enough to give up more power. Don't get me wrong, I don't see me selling my 17 for a 19 if they did throw one in.
If the v6 was so horrible then why is it in the ford gt super car. This motor kicks ass ,I could care less about the exhaust tone. Btw always in sport and I avg 13.2 with 93 not much high though.
I think we all agree, if the choice was a V8 or a V6TT and the #'s were all the same.......We'd all take the V8 to have that sound back. If there was a V8 with + we'd all go that direction too. But there's not one. So it's a hypothetical question at this point of will or won't Ford bring a V8 back into this truck? None of us here know and ditto for all the online sources making their best guess. Will they: as i understand it, there's a few new V8's coming online within the Ford line up. Could they take one and tweak it special for the Raptor? Could! Regardless of HP/TRQ/MPG it would need to exceed, there's a cost to that for a low volume power plant dedicated to one truck line. Ya, it's possible. I would question though the cost and tightening MPG's the government is tightening down on. Oh wait, maybe Trump can fix that!?!?! ............. Ok, that was a political jab, let's not even get started with that!!!!! V6TT; This motor hasn't even come close to reaching full potential yet. Not that is a stand alone reason but smart money would be to dial it up some more and still bring in the MPG a bit more too vs. the investment in developing a V8 at this point for the Raptor. In the end, it's all just our personal views and best guesses. I don't know shit and no one here does either when it comes to what will Ford do. If they crank this motor up some more or drop something different in, if it has more power/TRQ and equal or better MPG........ It'll be a preferred over the current power plant.
Sound is a big part of the overall experience. Than's why Ford, and others, go to the trouble of running fake sound through the speakers. Anybody old enough to remember Pontiac coming out with an overhead cam 6 in the late 60's? The GTO was all the rage but the 6 was right there in performance with much better economy. The sound made it unsellable. Of course, we had no nanny state trying to control everything in our lives at the time so the big V8 got even bigger!
Just got registered for Raptor Assault on May 3-4, 2018. Super excited! As for the conversations about whether folks taking their Raptors off road, mine went at it on day 1. My wife was shocked at what I put the truck through that day in the mountains and backroads here in Wyoming. I bought it for it's capabilities, I want to see it in action. She performed flawlessly!
Ok, now that you've down the class you ready for MORE. Follow link:http://www.fordraptor2.com/threads/raptor-assault.391/ Time to go play and put our Raptors to work!!!!
follow the link if your ready for something more: http://www.fordraptor2.com/threads/baja-1000-or-bust-2018-expedition.842/