New to the raptor scene here - coming from the HD trucks where everything rids like shit no matter what. Can anyone provide solid information on the best way to level one of these trucks I’ve been searching forum after forum and I keep coming up short on info. What is the best way new springs (progressive rate) / perch adjustment collars / coil over spacers ? (Coilover spacers) Everyone says that the spacers will tear up cv joints - but why? Correct me if I am wrong if you change the ride height of the truck you are going to increase the angle of the cv joint no matter how you do it. (Perch collars) The idea of the perch collar is to shorten the length of the coil spring in turn making it stiffer which raises the height of the truck - does the truck ride worse in the front because of this? (Progressive rate coils) Longer? Stiffer? do they ride better than a perch collar? Any insight would be awesome Thanks!!
Don't level it in general. If you do, ride characteristics change, plus it actually makes the back of the truck lower than the front. Nobody wants Carolina squat
I used the RPG perch collar 2 &1/4" set up and leveled truck perfect No issues at all , ride might be a little stiffer But not that noticeable
I think it’s just a cosmetic thing. I have no plans to “level” mine or mess with any of the designed geometry. I also tow an RV so the last thing I want is the front higher than the back.
Agree - these level kits are a complete joke. They make the front sit higher than the back. No idea why you want that in a truck used for mix road/off-road. A stadium truck purpose built, yes. Otherwise... Just a no on the Carolina squat.
Hey brendan, i looked at perch, but went with eibach springs, and im really happy with the results. They aye a higher rate spring, yet dont really get a stiff feeling from the front. top pic is stock, bottom is the new and improved badass look
Raptor62430 - Truck looks great. Did you put any leaf springs on the back to offset the eibach springs? And did you look into larger tires or was the lift not enough? Thanks!
Brendan, welcome to you and all new owners. I haven't been on in awhile but FYI bravo3echo DOES NOT even own a Raptor. His claim to fame here is the resident Troll/whiner who has a hard on for the 3.5. (Check his postings). Now that that has been said. I understand where you're questions come from. My thought with the perch collars is it cuts the travel range of the shock. I've also thought of the spacers and still think thats feasable but the thing I've seen that most Raptor owners seem to get the most satisfaction from is replacing the stock springs with Eibachs. There are plenty of articles out here and plenty of opinions but I can tell I don't need to say do your homework cause you obviously are. Either way you go, keep me abreast. Good luck