I'm not talking, trucker mud flaps, Diggs. I'm talking small hard plastic flaps, directly below fender and behind tire that sticks out slightly more than flares. I've had them on past F150's, but cannot find proper fit for my Raptor.
Hope this helps! " Right now, all of our liners (Xact Contour and WeatherBeater) products and the GearBox products will fit the 2017 Raptor. No exterior products have been approved for use on the Raptor. We are adding wheel well guards and mud guards specifically made for the Raptor as well. Thanks for your interest! "
All these pictures are fantastic. I should have taken delivery of my truck Monday, but the railroad track blew out between Ogden Utah and Wells Nevada. My truck as been stuck in Ogden for a week now. Waiting for them to re-route the train. With the potential dam failure over her in Northern California, it sure would have been nice to have the Raptor in case I needed to go off road.
Unfortunately we do not. We've never actually put mud flaps on a Raptor, but im sure there will be several companies selling them soon.
Got a chance to snap some better pics after I clay bared and waxed with 02 coats of Collinite 845 wax.
Better question is why would he want to leave that palace in Florida and come to Wyoming in the winter? Lol
Most people living in Florida don't want anything to do with snow !! After several months of winter here in Colorado I don't blame them !!!
LMFAO......... I would say for some Coors light. My wife would just roll her eyes as usual. She don't understand, I tell here its my therapy. Hell I would love to get out to Wyoming one of these days. I even mentioned to the wife about possibly retiring there. Were also considering north Florida south of Jacksonville, in St. Johns County area. One thing I can tell you, one of the guys I work with turned me on to this Collinite 845 Insulator Wax, this stuff is amazing. Use a very small amount, goes on very easy by hand or orbital polisher. comes off even easier with a microfiber. Sheds water and dirt like crazy. Clear coat safe, can be used on cars, trucks, boats, and planes. when I asked about planes, he tells me that his family is in the aeronautical industry. They use the Collinite to help reduce drag.