In case someone is debating on putting a gun safe in the truck, I have attached a picture of the OEM safe that was installed. It has a 4 digit combo and fits nicely. It takes up just about the entire center console which is huge. It's VERY deep. It will easily fit handguns, ammo, and anything else you want to put in there. The combo is also easy to set to whatever you desire. I ordered mine through the dealership seperately.
Ok so here some common sense thinking regarding this safe thing. So let's say you find yourself in a self defense situation and some very bad people are putting you or your family in danger ok? You tell these very bad people please stop while I press the combo and open my safe in my compartment to retrieve my weapon to shoot your ass? Now tell me this fucking safe makes sense ? Really
I think the safe would be optimized mostly for let's say a situation where an open carry state like mine has businesses that don't allow handguns in their premises. I would feel better knowing it is locked up in my center console. There are other things then just a carry weapon that could go in there. Just my 2¢
No the safe is beter than a locked glove box IF you have to leave your gun in the truck. Rare but happens.
I hear ya but have open mind what if you need to leave your gun in the car because your going into a bar or government building or even the beach and someone could smash your window to steal shit and find your gun in glovebox..Or you have kids and you can't bring your gun in with you but you need to run into a store and leave the gun and kids in Raptor for couple minutes..
I did start another thread on this topic but no one listens to Rapere!, lol, ok so glad there's some info here on this. I've looked at the Ford site and also directly at the Manufacturer site. A few things boys: When i'm carrying and want access i leave the .45 in the side tray next to my leg but when i need to put it away not carry or have it seen i'd rather have it protected vs. just leaving it in the console. To add, i'd also like to lock other things as need be as one more layer of security. Moving on, sense you didn't install it, how's the fit and finish? What's your sense of security with it? How hard would it be to just cut a whole in the side and by pass??????? I'm overseas at the moment and this was going to be the next goody purchased for my truck sense i just got the audio system done.....
Gdog, personally, I use it when I go to a federal courthouse. Even as a federal agent, I would have to lock up my gun in a lockbox on entry. I prefer to keep it in the Raptor where I won't forget it if I come down from a meeting pissed off and space out. However, the aforementioned times others listed are also good to have as well. I also use it to keep my electronic entry cards inside when I'm off duty (but you never know when you'll have to stop by work). Lots of uses.