From the images, it appears the new 3.0"s will NOT be adjustable. From what I've heard, the truck does feel much better than the Gen 1 2.5"s.
First off, from all the images I've seen posted, the stock gen2 sits so low in the front, an upgrade will be needed for those heading outside of the mall parking lot!
Wouldn't it be nice if Ford would make adjustables an option so we won't have to deal with swapping them out, selling on eBay, etc. hint, hint, Ford. (will never happen)
Yeah adjustable would be nice. I think reality is 90% of people will mall crawl with the truck, and then the 10% that really use it will all want their own specific combo of parts. So really no point for Ford to do differently.
It may be due to some Gen1 owners running them up to top, busting CVs and trying to get warranty to cover. This is why we can't have nice things.